October 18th: Guest Speaker Alicia Hardimon
Hello Everyone! Our guest speaker featured on October 18th is Alicia Hardimon. Alicia is a lifestyle consultant. She is self educated in the use of cbd oil, essential oils and herbs which she had a deep passion for. Alicia is also the station manager of FreedomizerRadio.com and on the administration of Barefoot Is Legal.
Her show on Freedomizer Radio is called Clarity After Dark. You can tune in at 12am Eastern and 9pm Pacific here: http://www.freedomizerradio.com/clarity-after-dark/ Alicia is also a Young Living Consultant. Her website can be found here: www.myyl.com/Thelibertydiva
She is also the co-host to Journey Into Freedom radio show found here: http://www.freedomizerradio.com/journey-into-freedom/