November 8th: Guest Speaker Brittani Weirath
Hey Guise! This week, we have special guest Brittani Weirath - a very special friend of mine who I also administrate natural parenting...
November 1st; Guest Speaker White Walking Feather
Hey guise! On November 1st, we are featuring guest speaker White Walking Feather (AKA rob in the page family). As an author,...
October 25th; Guest Speaker Amber Ellis
Hello All! We have guest speaker Amber Ellis coming up October 25th. Amber has been alternatively healing for six years after being...
October 18th: Guest Speaker Alicia Hardimon
Hello Everyone! Our guest speaker featured on October 18th is Alicia Hardimon. Alicia is a lifestyle consultant. She is self educated...
October 11th; Guest Speaker Will Leeman
Introducing, Will Leeman - A very close friend of mine and very special guest. Will and I used to run a show together called Standing In...
Guest Speakers
Hello All. Welcome to Against The Grain! I'm so happy to have you all here. I'm going to give a quick run down of the blog section...